Removing it from

Standard actions concerning the actor's possessions

taking inventorytakingremoving it fromdroppingputting it oninserting it intoeating

Removing something from something (past tense removed it from): applying to two things

Removing is not really an action in its own right. Whereas there are many ways to put something down (on the floor, on top of something, inside something else, giving it to somebody else, and so on), Inform has only one way to take something: the taking action. Removing exists only to provide some nicely worded replies to impossible requests, and in all sensible cases is converted into taking. Because of this, it's usually a bad idea to write rules about removing: if you write a rule such as 'Instead of removing the key, ...' then it won't apply if the player simply types TAKE KEY instead. The safe way to do this is to write a rule about taking, which covers all possibilities.

Typed commands leading to this action

"take [things inside] from [something]" - removing it from
"take [things inside] off [something]" - removing it from
"get [things inside] from [something]" - removing it from
"remove [things inside] from [something]" - removing it from

Rules controlling this action

check    an actor taking  can't take component parts rule   name  unlist
check    an actor removing something from  can't remove what's not inside rule   name  unlist
check    an actor removing something from  can't remove from people rule   name  unlist
check    an actor removing something from  convert remove to take rule   name  unlist      NB: The can't take component parts rule is listed before the can't remove what's not inside rule in the check removing it from rules