not usable in unit notations wi 15.14
{ }
for constant lists wi 21.2
for including Inform 7 expressions in Inform 6 wi 27.15
comma replacing colon wi 7.2
in list constants, requiring spaces wi 21.2
separating phrase options wi 11.14
optional words in phrase definitions wi 11.3
optional words in Understand grammar wi 17.12
--, as a blank table entry wi 16.7
--, separating cases wi 11.8
->, in phrase kinds wi 22.3
before text substitutions wi 5.6
separating synonymous words in phrase definitions wi 11.3
separating synonymous words in topics wi 16.13
[ ]
comments wi 2.3
( )
for calling values wi 8.15
for defining mistakes wi 17.21
for implicit multiplication wi 15.18
for phrase parameters wi 11.3
in parser clarifications wi 18.30
in response names wi 14.10
(+ +), for including Inform 7 code in Inform 6 wi 27.19
abbreviations wi 8.6
chains of equality tests wi 11.8
object names wi 3.2
property names, omitting of the wi 8.6
rule actions with doing it wi 7.17
accessibility text for figures and sounds wi 23.9
action name wi 12.20
as conditions wi 9.12
as values wi 12.20
defining new actions in Inform 6 wi 27.22
exiting wi 7.14
guidelines for action rules wi 12.21
instructing other characters
persuasion rules wi 12.4
unsuccessful attempts wi 12.5
involving speech wi 7.6
irregular verbs in action names wi 12.8
multiple action processing wi 17.20
new kinds of action wi 7.15
not the same as activities wi 18.1
pushing objects to other rooms wi 7.14
reactions by other characters rb 7.3
redirecting actions rb 6.14
referring to current action with action wi 12.7
rules applying only when characters are present wi 7.12
rules applying under arbitrary conditions, using when wi 7.12
rules for all but some actions wi 7.9
rules for any actor including the player wi 12.14
rules for consecutive repetitions wi 7.17
rules for multiple actions wi 7.8
rules for repetitions wi 7.16
spontaneous by other people wi 12.6
stored actions wi 12.20
understanding in player's command wi 17.1
using after rules to change output wi 7.5
using before rules to test or change outcomes first wi 7.3
using instead rules to change outcome wi 7.2
variables for actions wi 12.10
beginning/ending by hand wi 18.7
catalogue wi 18.8
checking for ongoing activities in rules wi 18.4
defining wi 18.5
not the same as actions wi 18.1
rules for activities wi 18.3
variables for activities wi 18.6
adjectives wi 6.3
defining wi 6.4
with Inform 6 wi 27.24
with to decide whether wi 11.16
for numeric quantities with units wi 15.12
for values wi 6.5
in descriptions wi 6.2
adverbs rb 6.18
guidelines for use wi 12.21
not used for out of world actions wi 12.15
after, ordering for rules wi 19.4
Albaugh, Lea wi 25.9
all except, in descriptions wi 6.16
all, in descriptions wi 6.15
almost all, in descriptions wi 6.15
always / never, in assertions wi 4.3
always, in defining constant values wi 4.13
amended, for tables wi 16.19
announcement of darkness
announcement of light
another, in defining relations wi 13.6
anybody, in descriptions wi 6.2
anyone, in descriptions wi 6.2
anything, in descriptions wi 6.2
anywhere, in descriptions wi 6.2
articles wi 3.18
displaying and capitalizing wi 7.10
as something new wi 17.3
asking the player yes/no wi 11.5
plural wi 4.4
at least, in descriptions wi 6.16
at most, in descriptions wi 6.16
of an extension wi 27.4
Babel, Treaty of Babel wi 25.5
changing the location of backdrops wi 8.8
basis of rulebook wi 19.9
guidelines for use wi 12.21
not used for out of world actions wi 12.15
before, ordering for rules wi 19.4
binary, when declaring data files wi 23.12
Blank, Marc wi 2.13
books implementing rb 9.6
with pages rb 9.6
boxed quotations wi 5.12
brace notation
breakable things implementing rb 10.4
Brooks, Frederick P. wi 1.1
bugs in Inform wi 2.15
arithmetic wi 15.5
average of a numeric property wi 15.17
conversion during calculations wi 15.3
exponential functions wi 15.6
given by equations wi 15.18
logarithms wi 15.6
total of a numeric property wi 15.17
trigonometric functions wi 15.7
in creating assemblies wi 4.16
in creating rooms wi 3.2
in creating things wi 3.5
in defining action variables wi 12.10
in defining activity variables wi 18.6
in defining adjectives wi 6.4
in defining rulebook variables wi 19.10
Carroll, Lewis wi 5.12
guidelines for use wi 12.21
avoid overflowing player's capacity using a hold-all wi 3.21
case sensitivity
checking texts wi 20.4
in matching texts wi 20.5
in real number constants wi 15.2
in regular expressions wi 20.6
in text substitutions wi 5.13
in text substitutions with lists wi 5.5
Cater, John wi 23.10
capital letters as kind variables wi 22.7
counting wi 20.3
in text values wi 20.1
replacing in text wi 20.8
special / accented wi 5.10
defining new names for wi 27.25
characters people wi 12.3
characterization rb 7.10
combat rb 7.5
goal-seeking rb 7.15
groups of people rb 7.16
moving around rb 7.13
names and titles rb 7.1
persuading wi 12.4
reacting to each other rb 7.16
reacting to the player's actions rb 7.3
reporting unsuccessful actions wi 12.5
rules applying only when characters are present wi 7.12
scripted conversations rb 7.12
for other characters wi 12.12
guidelines for use wi 12.21
Chimento, Philip wi 1.2
choosing notable locale objects for something wi 18.27
clocks implementing rb 9.11
combat rb 7.5
in source text wi 2.3
counting wi 6.16
of enumerated values wi 11.18
of numbers wi 15.5
of numbers using adjectives wi 6.7
of numbers with units using adjectives wi 15.12
of text wi 20.5
with regular expressions wi 20.6
breaking apart rb 10.4
for kinds wi 4.15
of bodies rb 5.1
of machines rb 9.8
condition, naming properties wi 4.10
changing conditions of rules wi 19.5
defined by phrases wi 11.5
defining with to decide whether wi 11.16
equality wi 11.6
expressed as relations wi 13.12
for activity rules wi 18.4
for scenes wi 10.4
historical wi 9.13
number of times wi 9.14
number of turns wi 9.15
testing wi 11.6
with otherwise/else wi 11.8
changing wi 8.5
inconsistent directions wi 3.3
one-way wi 3.3
rules applying to map connections wi 7.13
to nowhere wi 3.3
constant values wi 4.13
enterable wi 3.6
liquids in containers rb 10.2
locked wi 3.13
pockets in clothing rb 9.3
vehicle as kind of container wi 3.16
hierarchy, low-level interface wi 8.17
placing the contents of something in scope wi 18.29
continued, for tables wi 16.18
Cornelson, David wi 1.2
corresponding to, in tables wi 16.3
counted loops wi 11.10
counting wi 6.16
actions with for the Nth turn wi 7.17
characters / words / paragraphs / lines wi 20.3
conditions with for the Nth time wi 9.14
conditions with for the Nth turn wi 9.15
moves along a route wi 6.14
steps in an indirect relation wi 13.11
things wi 8.16
cover art wi 25.8
Crowther, Will wi 3.1
Daly, Liza wi 1.2
damaging things implementing rb 10.4
rules to change perception of wi 12.19
testing whether in darkness wi 11.5
defining wi 2.2
action variables wi 12.10
activities wi 18.5
activity variables wi 18.6
adaptive displayable verbs wi 14.3
adjectives wi 6.4
for numeric quantities with units wi 15.12
for values wi 6.5
with to decide whether wi 11.16
constant values wi 4.13
data files wi 23.12
directions wi 3.26
either/or properties wi 4.7
equations for values with units wi 15.18
figures wi 23.5
global variables wi 4.12
grammar tokens wi 17.13
producing values wi 17.14
input grammar wi 17.1
kinds wi 4.1
multiply using tables wi 16.16
defining with a table wi 16.17
lists wi 21.2
phrases wi 11.2
prepositions for relations wi 13.10
previewing wi 23.5
relations expressing conditions wi 13.12
rooms wi 3.1
rulebook variables wi 19.10
rulebooks wi 19.8
sentence verbs for properties wi 15.12
sentence verbs for relations wi 13.9
sounds wi 23.8
tables wi 16.1
temporary variables wi 11.15
text substitutions wi 5.13
things wi 3.1
multiply using tables wi 16.16
multiply with counts wi 4.14
using plurals wi 4.4
definite articles
when creating things wi 3.18
when displaying things wi 5.3
for values wi 6.5
with phrase logic wi 11.16
deleting things from the world wi 8.10
describing, in understand as wi 17.15
description of a dark room
default descriptions using new kinds wi 4.2
full-length room descriptions / abbreviated room descriptions wi 2.12
hiding things from room descriptions wi 3.8
room descriptions with substituted text wi 5.1
scene descriptions wi 10.2
varying with properties wi 3.14
descriptions references to things wi 6.1
adjectives for magnitude wi 6.6
adjectives for values wi 6.5
as values wi 22.2
comparative adjectives wi 6.7
complex phrases wi 6.9
counting wi 6.16
defining adjectives for descriptions wi 6.4
determiners all / none wi 6.15
existence wi 6.10
listed in table wi 16.12
relative wi 6.9
superlative adjectives wi 6.8
syntax wi 6.2
determiners all / none wi 6.15
displaying the on/off state rb 6.5
dialogue rb 7.6
keyword-based dialogue rb 7.8
menu-based dialogue rb 7.8
scripted conversations rb 7.12
simple terms rb 7.7
structure of conversation rb 7.9
with inanimate objects rb 7.7
defining wi 3.26
finding adjacent rooms wi 6.14
shipboard directions, FORE/AFT/PORT/STARBOARD rb 8.2
displaying parser's chosen thing wi 18.30
printing disambiguation request wi 18.31
of source text wi 2.6
measuring with number of moves wi 6.14
measuring with number of steps wi 13.11
doing it, a repeated action wi 7.17
doing something / anything, describing actions wi 7.9
locked wi 3.13
rules for going through doors wi 7.14
duplicates wi 4.14
taken from a dispenser rb 10.3
each, in descriptions wi 6.15
editing wi 26.2
changing wi 8.4
defining wi 4.7
used as adjectives wi 6.3
electricity implementing rb 10.7
empty / non-empty adjective
for activities wi 18.5
for relations wi 13.14
for rulebooks wi 19.8
for tables wi 16.9
end if wi 11.7
end while wi 11.9
displaying numbers in words wi 5.4
displaying simple plurals wi 5.4
displaying times in words wi 9.7
forms for sentence verbs wi 13.9
forms of to be wi 13.10
really understanding wi 2.16
simple superlative forms wi 6.8
vehicles made automatically enterable wi 3.16
entry number of list wi 21.9
equations, for values with units wi 15.18
equivalent to unit wi 15.10
error messages
abject failures of Inform wi 2.15
for source text wi 2.4
Euler, Leonhard wi 15.2
events in the future wi 9.11
in descriptions wi 6.15
not for out of world actions wi 12.15
in descriptions wi 6.16
handling READ separately rb 9.6
describing actions wi 7.9
in descriptions wi 6.16
descriptions of any such thing wi 6.2
testing that such a thing exists wi 6.10
built-in extensions wi 27.3
Inform 6 code in extensions wi 27.14
project-specific extensions wi 27.3
specific extensions
Approximate Metric Units wi 15.13
Epistemology rb 5.5
Mistype rb 6.17
Object Response Tests wi 24.6
Real Time Delays rb 12.4
Skeleton Keys rb 9.2
Unicode Character Names wi 27.25
Unicode Full Character Names wi 27.25
Vorple system wi 25.12
using wi 2.11
using specific versions wi 27.6
example wi 27.5
for a specific virtual machine wi 27.7
giving examples wi 27.12
modifying other extensions wi 27.9
version number wi 27.6
Fabulich, Dan wi 1.2
for persuasion wi 12.4
for rules wi 19.11
false / true wi 11.5
for particular relations wi 13.11
feelies wi 25.7
figure name wi 23.10
accessibility text wi 23.9
as values wi 23.10
cover art wi 25.8
declaring wi 23.5
displaying wi 23.6
formats allowed wi 23.4
placing in materials folder wi 23.4
files compiling
Options.txt wi 2.13
declaring wi 23.12
loading initial state from a data file rb 11.1
reading / writing / appending text wi 23.14
reading / writing tables wi 23.13
storing records of death in a data file rb 11.6
Final Question Options
Table of Final Question Options rb 11.6
fire implementing rb 10.8
first person singular / plural wi 14.1
first time, counting actions wi 7.16
first time, counting conditions wi 9.14
Fisher, David rb 1.2
Fleming, Ian wi 6.10
footnotes implementing rb 12.3
fragile things implementing rb 10.4
inside / outside from wi 3.2
from now
future / present / past tense wi 14.1
future events wi 9.11
Galactic Patrol wi 20.6
games, dice and cards implementing rb 9.5
gases implementing rb 10.1
given, in calculations with equations wi 15.18
extensions for Glulx only wi 27.7
no character set limits wi 20.4
real numbers available wi 15.2
God's own teacup wi 16.18
default failure response wi 7.13
other characters moving around rb 7.13
rules for going by vehicles wi 7.14
rules for going through doors wi 7.14
rules for going to and from places wi 7.13
rules for going with pushed things wi 7.14
defining wi 17.13
defining in Inform 6 wi 27.23
for text wi 17.5
producing values wi 17.14
group relations wi 13.7
grouping together something wi 18.14
had been, for past conditions wi 9.13
Hardy, Thomas wi 4.5
has been, for past conditions wi 9.13
has, for defining properties wi 4.8
Hazel, Philip wi 20.6
in extension documentation wi 27.12
on fire rb 10.8
too hot to touch rb 10.9
held by
help systems rb 11.3
hiding things from room descriptions by making them scenery wi 3.8
hiding things under other things rb 6.6
hint systems rb 11.3
historical conditions wi 9.13
times wi 9.14
turns wi 9.15
hold-all wi 3.21
Hunter, Andrew wi 1.2
with generic conditions wi 8.14
with otherwise/else wi 11.8
immobile things
moving anyway wi 8.7
scenery wi 3.8
supporters made automatically immobile wi 3.7
in groups, in defining relations wi 13.7
indefinite articles
when creating things wi 3.18
when displaying things wi 5.3
checking story correctness wi 24.1
Inform 6 equivalent
attributes wi 4.7
BeforeParsing wi 18.33
box wi 5.12
break wi 11.12
child wi 8.17
classes wi 4.1
clothing wi 3.20
code blocks wi 11.7
constants wi 4.13
continue wi 11.12
daemons wi 9.5
darkness wi 12.19
each_turn wi 9.5
for wi 11.10
functions wi 11.2
functions with optional parameters wi 11.14
functions with parameters wi 11.3
global variable wi 4.12
IndirectlyContains wi 3.25
initial wi 3.11
local variables wi 11.15
meta wi 12.15
objectloop wi 11.11
parent wi 8.17
procedures wi 11.2
properties wi 4.8
return wi 11.13
return value wi 11.17
rtrue/rfalse wi 11.16
sibling wi 8.17
switch/case wi 11.8
switchable wi 3.14
synonyms wi 12.7
timers wi 9.11
verbs wi 12.7
while wi 11.9
with_key wi 3.13
Inform 6 inclusions wi 27.14
actions wi 27.22
adjectives wi 27.24
classes wi 27.21
global variables wi 27.22
grammar tokens wi 27.23
long sections of code wi 27.19
objects wi 27.21
phrase options wi 27.17
phrases wi 27.15
phrases to decide a value wi 27.16
phrases to decide whether/if wi 27.16
rules wi 27.20
understanding grammar wi 27.23
use options wi 27.18
Ingold, Jon rb 1.2
initial location of player wi 3.1
scenes that begin at the beginning wi 10.6
initially, in defining global variables wi 4.12
inside from wi 3.2
as failure of persuasion wi 12.4
guidelines for use wi 12.21
not used for out of world actions wi 12.15
instead of, replacing rules wi 19.4
insufficient / sufficient light, there is insufficient / sufficient light visibility rules outcome phrase wi 12.19
introductory booklet and postcard wi 25.9
inventory details
it, in source text wi 11.16
Kesserich, Sonja wi 1.2
keyword-style parsing rb 6.18
Kinder, David wi 1.2
animal wi 3.17
man wi 3.17
player's holdall wi 3.21
woman wi 3.17
default properties wi 4.3
defining wi 4.1
in Inform 6 wi 27.21
defining with a table wi 16.17
multiple kinds with a table wi 16.16
documenting in extensions wi 27.10
hierarchy of kinds wi 4.1
must define before using wi 4.2
of action wi 7.15
of description wi 22.2
of phrase wi 22.3
default values for wi 22.4
of relation wi 13.14
of thing wi 4.1
of values with units of measure wi 15.8
uses of new kinds wi 4.2
Kleene, Stephen wi 20.6
Knight, Cedric rb 6.17
other characters' knowledge rb 7.11
Knuth, Donald wi 1.1
Labrande, Hugo wi 1.2
Le Guin, Ursula K. wi 3.12
leading zeroes, when defining units wi 15.15
less than, in descriptions wi 6.16
rules to override sufficiency of wi 12.19
likely / possible / unlikely, it is likely / possible / unlikely does the player mean outcome phrase wi 17.19
for extending lists wi 21.10
for manipulating text wi 20.2
of Inform 6 compiler wi 2.14
of scene changing mechanism wi 10.9
of story file wi 2.14
on changing lists being repeated through wi 21.4
counting lines in text wi 20.3
in formatting tables wi 16.1
liquids implementing rb 10.2
list of (name of kind) that/which/who relate to (value) by (relation of values to values) phrase wi 13.13
list of (name of kind) that/which/whom (value) relates to by (relation of values to values) phrase wi 13.13
list of (name of kind) to which/whom (value) relates by (relation of values to values) phrase wi 13.13
listed in / before / after / instead of, for placing rules in rulebooks wi 19.4
listing contents of something wi 18.13
listing rules
for grouping together wi 18.14
for listing contents wi 18.13
changing entries wi 21.9
changing length wi 21.10
constant lists wi 21.2
creating wi 21.2
extending wi 21.10
filtering with a phrase or description wi 22.5
mapping with a phrase wi 22.5
memory limits wi 21.10
reducing with a phrase, to a value wi 22.5
removing entries wi 21.5
repeating through wi 21.4
reversing wi 21.8
rotating wi 21.8
sorting wi 21.8
truncating wi 21.10
variations on use of lists wi 21.11
Z-machine limitations wi 21.10
locale description
locale paragraph
as part of going rb 6.9
counted wi 11.10
in phrases wi 11.9
interrupting wi 11.12
through objects wi 11.11
through values wi 11.10
Lopez, Zed wi 1.2
losing the game wi 9.4
lower case
magnets implementing rb 10.7
mass nouns wi 3.18
matched as, in describing action variables wi 12.10
materials folder wi 23.4
cover art wi 25.8
feelies wi 25.7
figures wi 23.4
introductory booklet / postcard wi 25.9
pre-existing story file wi 25.15
project-specific extensions wi 27.3
released story file wi 25.6
sounds wi 23.8
source text wi 25.17
walkthrough wi 25.16
Mazaitis, Paul wi 1.2
McKee, Kate rb 1.2
means, defining sentence verbs
member of description wi 22.2
memory limits wi 2.14
for extending lists wi 21.10
for manipulating text wi 20.2
missing noun
money implementing rb 9.4
Montfort, Nick rb 1.2
Monty Python wi 11.7
more than, in descriptions wi 6.16
Moriarty, Brian wi 5.12
most, in descriptions wi 6.15
Musante, Mark wi 1.2
for things named generally wi 8.15
of characters rb 7.1
of phrases wi 22.3
natural language, really understanding wi 2.16
nearest whole number
Nelson, Toby wi 1.2
never / always, in assertions wi 4.3
Newcomb, Ron wi 1.2
no, in descriptions wi 6.15
NO, querying yes/no wi 11.5
NO, responding to a character rb 7.7
nobody, testing that no such person exists wi 6.10
non-empty / empty adjective
for activities wi 18.5
for relations wi 13.14
for rulebooks wi 19.8
for tables wi 16.9
removing things from play wi 8.10
nondescript items
none, in descriptions wi 6.15
not listed in, for removing rules from rulebooks wi 19.4
notable locale objects
as a value wi 6.12
in removing room connections wi 8.5
in understanding actions wi 17.3
nouns, in descriptions wi 6.2
nouns, reversed, in understanding actions wi 17.2
changing either/or properties wi 8.4
changing global variables wi 8.1
changing list entries wi 21.9
changing table entries wi 16.4
changing temporary variables wi 11.15
changing the locations of backdrops wi 8.8
changing the player's location wi 8.9
changing value properties wi 8.5
for arbitrary conditions wi 8.11
placing things wi 8.10
rules for going nowhere wi 7.13
adjectives describing magnitude wi 6.6
arithmetic wi 15.5
conversion to/from real numbers wi 15.3
converting to times wi 9.10
given by equations wi 15.18
of things in descriptions wi 6.16
real numbers wi 15.2
conversion to/from numbers wi 15.3
displaying wi 15.4
exponential functions wi 15.6
infinite and nonexistent wi 15.3
trigonometric functions wi 15.7
Nyman, Jeff rb 1.2
object loops wi 11.11
of, for properties wi 4.9
once, counting conditions wi 9.14
one-way connections wi 3.3
options, for phrases wi 11.14
Options.txt wi 2.13
outside from wi 3.2
paint implementing rb 9.7
counting paragraphs in text wi 20.3
for confusing the normal display of objects wi 18.24
for fooling persuasion refusal wi 12.4
parameters wi 11.3
of phrases wi 11.3
kind values wi 22.8
of rulebooks wi 19.9
parser's choice
part of, for units with multiple components wi 15.15
past / present / future tense wi 14.1
pathfinding wi 6.14
arbitrary relations wi 13.11
pattern matching
phrase definitions wi 11.3
perfect tense, of conditions in rules wi 9.13
carrying capacity wi 3.19
phrases wi 11.1
as values wi 22.3
default values wi 22.4
deciding a value wi 11.17
defining wi 11.2
interrupting wi 11.13
named phrases wi 22.3
options for small variations wi 11.14
phrase parameters wi 11.3
kind values wi 22.8
temporary variables in phrases wi 11.15
Pintar, Judith wi 1.2
carrying capacity wi 3.19
customizing name or traits rb 5.2
initial location wi 3.1
playtesting wi 26.2
plural of
in player command wi 17.8
in source text wi 4.4
displaying wi 5.4
of units of measure wi 15.9
plural convention for adaptive pronouns wi 14.4
understanding in commands wi 17.8
possessions wi 3.20
a hold-all for the player's posessions wi 3.21
possible / likely / unlikely, it is possible / likely / unlikely does the player mean outcome phrase wi 17.19
powers, of numbers wi 15.6
preamble optional, when defining units wi 15.15
precedence wi 18.26
of commands understood wi 17.22
prepositions, for sentence verbs wi 13.10
present / past / future tense wi 14.1
printing a number of something wi 18.12
printing inventory details of something wi 18.17
printing the description of a dark room wi 18.22
printing the locale description of something wi 18.26
printing the name of something wi 18.10
printing the plural name of something wi 18.11
problem messages
abject failures of Inform wi 2.15
for source text wi 2.4
ProcJam wi 26.6
pronouns wi 3.17
adaptive contractions in displayed text wi 14.8
displaying with PRONOUNS rb 11.5
it, in source text wi 11.16
something, anything... wi 6.2
changing multiple things with now wi 8.11
defining sentence verbs for properties wi 15.12
dependence on kind wi 3.7
changing wi 8.4
defining wi 4.7
used as adjectives wi 6.3
implications wi 27.13
numeric magnitudes, adjectives for wi 6.6
shorthand name, omitting of the wi 8.6
understanding things by properties wi 17.15
changing wi 8.5
used as adjectives wi 6.3
propriety wi 7.15
punctuation wi 2.3
brackets wi 14.10
for calling values wi 8.15
for defining mistakes wi 17.21
for implicit multiplication wi 15.18
for phrase parameters wi 11.3
in parser clarifications wi 18.30
in response names wi 14.10
comma wi 2.12
comma replacing colon wi 7.2
in list constants, requiring spaces wi 21.2
separating phrase options wi 11.14
curly braces wi 21.2
for constant lists wi 21.2
for including Inform 7 expressions in Inform 6 wi 27.15
double-dash wi 11.3
optional words in phrase definitions wi 11.3
optional words in Understand grammar wi 17.12
full stop wi 2.3
before text substitutions wi 5.6
quotation marks wi 2.3
not usable in unit notations wi 15.14
slash wi 11.3
separating synonymous words in phrase definitions wi 11.3
separating synonymous words in topics wi 16.13
square brackets wi 2.3
comments wi 2.3
pushing things wi 3.16
quality assurance wi 26.2
existential wi 6.2
universal wi 6.15
querying the player yes/no wi 11.5
quotations, displaying in boxes wi 5.12
radios implementing rb 9.9
randomness wi 8.18
choosing a random table row wi 16.5
combat with random results rb 7.5
dice and cards rb 9.5
enumerated values wi 8.18
random numbers wi 8.18
random things wi 8.19
randomizing the initial state of the world rb 11.1
sorting lists in random order wi 21.8
sorting tables in random order wi 16.11
value kinds wi 8.18
Raszewski, L. Ross wi 1.2
rather than, in defining adjectives wi 6.4
real numbers wi 15.2
arithmetic wi 15.5
conversion to/from numbers wi 15.3
displaying wi 15.4
exponential functions wi 15.6
given by equations wi 15.18
infinite and nonexistent wi 15.3
limits of numeric values wi 15.2
trigonometric functions wi 15.7
reciprocal relations wi 13.6
recording devices implementing rb 9.12
referring to, in understand as wi 17.15
refusal to act
backdrops in regions wi 3.9
moving a backdrop to a new region wi 8.8
regional containment wi 6.11
rules applying to regions wi 7.11
things in regions wi 6.11
syntax reference wi 20.9
related by, for understanding things by relations wi 17.16
relates, for finding related values wi 13.13
defining prepositions for relations wi 13.10
defining sentence verbs for relations wi 13.9
difference from sentence verbs wi 13.3
distance through wi 13.11
expressing conditions wi 13.12
group relations wi 13.7
guidelines for use wi 13.16
indirect wi 13.11
involving values wi 13.13
kinds of relation wi 13.14
paths through wi 13.11
reciprocal relations wi 13.6
relationship to sentence verbs wi 13.8
temporary relations wi 13.15
understanding things by relations wi 17.16
used as values wi 13.14
used in sentences wi 13.1
release along with... assertion
cover art wi 25.8
an existing story file wi 25.15
a file of description called filename wi 25.7
an introductory booklet wi 25.9
an introductory postcard wi 25.9
the library card wi 25.17
a solution wi 25.16
the source text wi 25.17
repeat with (a name not so far used) running from (arithmetic value) to (arithmetic value) phrase wi 11.10
repeat with (a name not so far used) running from (enumerated value) to (enumerated value): phrase wi 11.10
for other characters wi 12.13
guidelines for use wi 12.21
resource IDs wi 23.10
changing wi 14.11
reversed nouns, in understanding actions wi 17.2
Roberts, Mike wi 1.2
room description details
changing connections between rooms wi 8.5
creating wi 3.1
divided into smaller areas rb 3.3
moving rooms rb 8.2
name of a dark room wi 18.21
one-way connections between rooms wi 3.3
smelling with no object wi 7.7
roots, of numbers wi 15.5
ropes implementing rb 10.6
Rossing, Eric rb 1.2
as a kind of rule wi 19.8
basis of rulebook wi 19.9
defining wi 19.8
invoking a rulebook wi 19.8
and abiding by its outcome wi 19.14
multiple action processing rules wi 17.20
rulebook parameters wi 19.9
stopping execution wi 19.11
variables for rulebooks wi 19.10
rules wi 7.2
abbreviating actions with doing it wi 7.17
actions referred to in conditions wi 9.12
applying only when characters are present wi 7.12
applying only while performing activities wi 18.4
applying to all but some actions wi 7.9
applying to arbitrary things wi 7.10
applying to consecutively repeated actions wi 7.17
applying to multiple actions wi 7.8
applying to repeated actions wi 7.16
arbitrary conditions for rules, using while wi 18.4
changing conditions of rules wi 19.5
counting repetitions for conditions wi 9.14
counting turns for conditions wi 9.15
creating new kinds of action to reduce redundancy wi 7.15
defining in Inform 6 wi 27.20
failure of rules wi 19.11
for any actor including the player wi 12.14
for exiting wi 7.14
for new actions for other characters wi 12.11
for pushing objects to other rooms wi 7.14
for senses wi 7.7
for speech wi 7.6
for visibility wi 12.19
guidelines for action rules wi 12.21
in rulebooks wi 19.2
invoking a rule wi 19.8
and abiding by its outcome wi 19.14
perfect tense of conditions wi 9.13
persuasion rules for instructing characters wi 12.4
preamble wi 19.7
unsuccessful attempts by other characters wi 12.5
running from, looping through values wi 11.10
running through, looping through objects wi 11.11
Rushton, Brian wi 1.2
same property as wi 6.7
scaled at wi 15.10
backdrops made automatically scenery wi 3.9
scenes wi 10.1
beginning when play begins wi 10.6
conditions for scenes wi 10.4
descriptions displayed when scene begins wi 10.2
Entire Game wi 10.3
for the passage of story time rb 4.1
no way to force scenes to begin / end wi 10.9
scripting story events in scenes rb 4.2
times of scenes beginning/ending wi 10.3
variations in ending wi 10.8
in status line wi 8.3
maximum score wi 9.2
ranking table wi 9.3
reporting at end of story rb 11.6
second person singular / plural wi 14.1
seldom / usually, in assertions wi 4.3
sentence case
as values wi 14.9
defining for properties wi 15.12
defining for relations wi 13.9
defining for relations with prepositions wi 13.10
difference from relations wi 13.3
predefined wi 13.8
siblings, in containment hierarchy wi 8.17
for particular relations wi 13.11
smoke implementing rb 10.1
article wi 3.18
in descriptions wi 6.15
somebody, in descriptions wi 6.2
in descriptions wi 6.2
in descriptions wi 6.2
naming value of wi 8.15
something new, in understanding actions wi 17.3
somewhere, in descriptions wi 6.2
sound name wi 23.10
accessibility text wi 23.9
as values wi 23.10
declaring wi 23.8
formats allowed wi 23.7
placing in materials folder wi 23.8
source text
releasing with the story wi 25.17
spaces, in list constants, after commas wi 21.2
Spencer, Henry wi 20.6
scenes that begin at the beginning wi 10.6
stored actions wi 12.20
story structure rb 4.6
changing viewpoint rb 5.6
dynamic plot management rb 4.6
flashbacks rb 4.5
providing background information rb 5.4
scenes in different environments rb 4.4
scenes with scripted events rb 4.2
for persuasion wi 12.4
sufficient / insufficient light, there is sufficient / insufficient light visibility rules outcome phrase wi 12.19
of numbers using adjectives wi 6.8
of numbers with units using adjectives wi 15.12
carrying capacity wi 3.19
default immobility wi 3.7
mentioned because of supported things wi 3.8
table name wi 16.15
Table of Final Question Options rb 11.6
adding rows wi 16.10
amending tables wi 16.19
changing entries wi 16.4
choosing rows wi 16.5
continuing tables wi 16.18
creating multiple things with a table wi 16.16
defining wi 16.1
defining a kind of value with a table wi 16.17
defining multiple kinds with a table wi 16.16
describing things listed in tables wi 16.12
formatting wi 16.1
looking up by cross-reference wi 16.3
looking up by row number wi 16.2
ranking score wi 9.3
reading / writing to data files wi 23.13
removing rows wi 16.10
repeating through wi 16.6
sorting tables wi 16.11
topic columns wi 16.13
used as values wi 16.15
Tarbert, Mike rb 1.2
telephones implementing rb 9.10
televisions implementing rb 9.9
temporary variables wi 11.15
displaying wi 20.7
Tessman, Kent wi 1.2
checking story correctness in the Index wi 24.1
accessibility text for figures and sounds wi 23.9
changing case wi 20.4
counting characters / words / paragraphs / lines wi 20.3
displaying wi 5.1
in properties wi 3.10
indexed text, now the same as text wi 20.1
lower case wi 20.4
matching wi 20.5
memory limits wi 20.2
reading / writing / appending to data files wi 23.14
recording from the player's command rb 2.3
replacing parts of a text wi 20.8
upper case wi 20.4
when text substitutions are substituted wi 20.7
in understanding mistakes wi 17.21
defining wi 5.13
enumerated values wi 4.9
new kinds of value wi 4.9
punctuation wi 5.2
random variations wi 5.7
real numbers wi 15.4
sequential variations wi 5.7
text wi 5.1
things wi 5.3
values wi 5.3
variations wi 5.6
when text is substituted wi 20.7
that varies, in defining global variables wi 4.12
that, adaptive pronouns in displayed text wi 14.6
that, in description clauses wi 6.9
there is, declaring existence wi 6.10
changing multiples with now wi 8.11
counting wi 8.16
creating wi 3.1
in Inform 6 wi 27.21
multiple identical things with counts wi 4.14
multiple things with a table wi 16.16
using plurals wi 4.4
displaying wi 5.3
because they're supporters wi 3.7
moving anyway wi 8.7
scenery wi 3.8
in more than one room wi 3.9
location of wi 3.25
parts of wi 4.15
parts of things wi 3.23
references to descriptions wi 6.1
referring to arbitrary things in rules wi 7.10
removing from play wi 8.10
third person singular / plural wi 14.1
this is, in naming phrases wi 22.3
Thompson, Ken wi 20.6
Thornton, Adam wi 1.2
clocks implementing rb 9.11
comparing wi 9.9
conditions and rules referring back in time wi 9.13
counting conditions with for the Nth time wi 9.14
displaying approximations wi 9.8
displaying times wi 9.7
events in the future wi 9.11
not passing for out of world actions wi 12.15
scene beginning/ending times wi 10.3
scripting story events by time rb 4.3
time of day wi 9.6
timed input rb 12.4
waiting intervals of time rb 6.11
title case
in table columns wi 16.13
understanding wi 17.5
creating with the TEST command wi 2.8
translates as... assertion
actions wi 27.22
global variables wi 27.22
kinds wi 27.21
rules wi 27.20
things wi 27.21
understanding grammar tokens wi 27.23
Unicode characters wi 27.25
use options wi 27.18
Treaty of Babel wi 25.5
true / false wi 11.5
truth state wi 11.5
counting actions with for the Nth turn wi 7.17
counting conditions with for the Nth turn wi 9.15
events in the future wi 9.11
not passing for out of world actions wi 12.15
not passing for specific actions rb 4.1
rules run every turn wi 9.5
turn sequence wi 19.15
using time of day instead of turns wi 9.6
twice, counting conditions wi 9.14
for global variables wi 4.12
for temporary variables wi 11.15
in conditions wi 11.6
in grammar tokens wi 17.14
in input grammar wi 17.6
in lists wi 21.1
in phrase definitions wi 11.3
in phrases that decide values wi 11.17
of relation types wi 13.14
adding synonyms for verbs wi 17.2
alternatives to standard parsing rb 6.18
arbitrary objects wi 17.4
arbitrary text wi 17.5
for conversations and consulting wi 7.6
choosing between multiple grammar lines wi 17.22
kinds of things wi 17.11
noun-first sentences wi 17.10
numbers with units wi 15.16
precedence of commands understood wi 17.22
properties as describing things wi 17.15
recording the player's command rb 2.3
relations as describing things wi 17.16
removing existing definitions of verbs wi 17.3
sentences without verbs wi 17.10
special processing of keyboard input wi 18.33
as grammar tokens wi 17.13
for things and values wi 17.11
by properties wi 17.15
by relations wi 17.16
kinds of things wi 17.11
specific things wi 17.8
values wi 17.11
grammar tokens producing values wi 17.14
kinds of value wi 17.9
numbers wi 17.6
when clauses for wi 17.17
with Inform 6 functions wi 27.23
unindexed, headings in extensions wi 27.10
arithmetic wi 15.19
averages wi 15.17
for capacity of containers rb 10.5
multiplication of units wi 15.20
totals wi 15.17
understanding wi 15.16
unlikely / possible / likely, it is unlikely / possible / likely does the player mean outcome phrase wi 17.19
not used for spontaneous actions wi 12.6
upper case
use options wi 2.12
abbreviated room descriptions wi 2.12
authorial modesty wi 27.6
dynamic memory allocation wi 20.2
engineering notation wi 15.2
fast route-finding wi 6.14
full-length room descriptions wi 2.12
Inform 6 memory limits wi 2.14
maximum text length wi 20.2
maximum things understood at once wi 4.14
memory economy wi 2.14
slow route-finding wi 6.14
telemetry recordings wi 2.13
unabbreviated object names wi 3.2
defining in Inform 6 wi 27.18
user interface wi 1.3
facing pages layout wi 1.3
Go button wi 1.4
Index panel wi 1.6
checking story correctness wi 24.1
Results panel wi 1.6
using doors, in route-finding wi 6.14
usually / seldom, in assertions wi 4.3
changing wi 8.5
numeric magnitudes, adjectives for wi 6.6
used as adjectives wi 6.3
actions as values wi 12.20
basis of rulebooks wi 19.9
descriptions as values wi 22.2
figures as values wi 23.10
in relations wi 13.13
comparisons wi 11.18
default values wi 4.11
defining with a table wi 16.17
phrases as values wi 22.3
produced by rulebooks wi 19.13
relations as values wi 13.14
sounds as values wi 23.10
tables as values wi 16.15
truth state values wi 11.5
understanding wi 17.6
changing global variables wi 8.1
changing temporary variables wi 11.15
for actions wi 12.10
for activities wi 18.6
for rulebooks wi 19.10
global wi 4.12
defining in Inform 6 wi 27.22
temporary wi 11.15
displaying wi 20.7
various, in defining relations wi 13.5
moving rooms rb 8.2
rules for going by vehicles wi 7.14
adaptive verbs in displayed text wi 14.2
as values wi 14.9
defining adaptive displayable verbs wi 14.3
version number of extension wi 27.6
very likely / unlikely see likely / possible / unlikely, it is likely / possible / unlikely (does the player mean)
Vesine, Justin de wi 1.2
character set limits wi 20.4
extensions for Z-machine / Glulx only wi 27.7
in action processing sequence wi 12.2
rules for determining darkness wi 12.19
walkthrough, generated from Skein wi 25.16
was, for past conditions wi 9.13
when condition
arbitrary conditions for understand wi 17.17
when scene begins / ends wi 10.2
which varies, in defining global variables wi 4.12
which, in description clauses wi 6.9
while condition
who, in description clauses wi 6.9
whole number
Wild, Campbell wi 1.2
Willis, Dannii wi 1.2
windows, extra story windows rb 12.5
with nouns reversed wi 17.2
without leading zeroes, when defining units wi 15.15
YES, querying yes/no wi 11.5
YES, responding to a character rb 7.7
you, adaptive pronouns in displayed text wi 14.4
extensions for Z-machine only wi 27.7
real numbers not available wi 15.2