Standard actions concerning the actor's possessions
taking inventorytakingremoving it fromdroppingputting it oninserting it intoeating
Taking something (past tense taken): applying to one thing
The taking action is the only way an action in the Standard Rules can cause something to be carried by an actor. It is very simple in operation (the entire carry out stage consists only of 'now the actor carries the noun') but many checks must be performed before it can be allowed to happen.
Typed commands leading to this action
"take [things]" - taking
"get [things]" - taking
"pick up [things]" - taking
"pick [things] up" - taking
Rules controlling this action
check an actor taking can't take yourself rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't take other people rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't take component parts rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't take people's possessions rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't take items out of play rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't take what you're inside rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't take what's already taken rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't take scenery rule name unlist
check an actor taking can only take things rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't take what's fixed in place rule name unlist
check an actor taking use player's holdall to avoid exceeding carrying capacity rule name unlist
check an actor taking can't exceed carrying capacity rule name unlist
carry out an actor taking standard taking rule name unlist
report an actor taking standard report taking rule name unlist