Standard actions which change the state of things
locking it withunlocking it withswitching onswitching offopeningclosingwearingtaking off
Switching off something (past tense switched off): applying to one thing
The switching off and switching on actions are for the simplest kind of machinery operation: they are for objects representing machines (or more likely parts of machines), which are considered to be either off or on at any given time.
The actions are intended to be used where the noun is a device, but in fact they could work just as well with any kind which can be 'switched on' or 'switched off'.
Typed commands leading to this action
"close off [something]" - switching off
"turn [something] off" - switching off
"turn off [something]" - switching off
"switch [something switched on]" - switching off
"switch [something] off" - switching off
"switch off [something]" - switching off
Rules controlling this action
check an actor switching off can't switch off unless switchable rule name unlist
check an actor switching off can't switch off what's already off rule name unlist
carry out an actor switching off standard switching off rule name unlist
report an actor switching off standard report switching off rule name unlist