Version 1 of English Language by Graham Nelson begins here.

"To make English the language of play."

Use authorial modesty.

Section 1 - Modal verbs and contractions

To be able to is a verb.
To could is a verb.
To may is a verb.
To might is a verb.
To must is a verb.
To should is a verb.
To would is a verb.

To 're is a verb.
To 've is a verb.
To aren't is a verb.
To can't is a verb.
To don't is a verb.
To haven't is a verb.
To mustn't is a verb.
To mightn't is a verb.
To mayn't is a verb.
To wouldn't is a verb.
To couldn't is a verb.
To shouldn't is a verb.
To won't is a verb.

Section 1 - Grammatical definitions

The language of play is a natural language that varies. The language of play
is usually the English language.

A grammatical tense is a kind of value. The grammatical tenses are present tense,
past tense, perfect tense, past perfect tense and future tense.

A narrative viewpoint is a kind of value. The narrative viewpoints are first
person singular, second person singular, third person singular, first person
plural, second person plural, and third person plural.

A natural language has a narrative viewpoint called the adaptive text viewpoint.

The adaptive text viewpoint of the English language is first person plural.

A grammatical case is a kind of value. The grammatical cases are nominative
and accusative.

A grammatical gender is a kind of value. The grammatical genders are
neuter gender, masculine gender, feminine gender.

The story tense is a grammatical tense that varies.
The story tense variable translates into I6 as "story_tense".
The story viewpoint is a narrative viewpoint that varies.
The story viewpoint variable translates into I6 as "story_viewpoint".

To say regarding (item - an object): (- RegardingSingleObject({item}); -).

To say regarding (N - a number): (- RegardingNumber({N}); -).

To say regarding list writer internals: (- RegardingLWI(); -).

To say regarding (D - a description of objects): (-
      objectloop({-my:1} ofclass Object)
       if ({-matches-description:1:D})
         give {-my:1} workflag2;
         give {-my:1} ~workflag2;

To decide if the prior naming context is plural:
   (- ((prior_named_list >= 2) || (prior_named_noun && prior_named_noun has pluralname)) -).

Section 2 - Saying pronouns

To say we:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "I";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "you";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "he";
       say "she";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "we";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "you";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "they".

To say us:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "me";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "you";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "him";
       say "her";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "us";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "you";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "them".

To say ours:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "mine";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "yours";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "his";
       say "hers";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "ours";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "yours";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "theirs".

To say ourselves:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "myself";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "yourself";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "himself";
       say "herself";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "ourselves";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "yourselves";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "themselves".

To say our:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "my";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "your";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "his";
       say "her";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "our";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "your";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "their".

To say We:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "I";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "You";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "He";
       say "She";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "We";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "You";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "They".

To say Us:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "Me";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "You";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "Him";
       say "Her";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "Us";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "You";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "Them".

To say Ours:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "Mine";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "Yours";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "His";
       say "Hers";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "Ours";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "Yours";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "Theirs".

To say Ourselves:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "Myself";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "Yourself";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "Himself";
       say "Herself";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "Ourselves";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "Yourselves";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "Themselves".

To say Our:
   now the prior named object is the player;
   if the story viewpoint is first person singular:
     say "My";
   if the story viewpoint is second person singular:
     say "Your";
   if the story viewpoint is third person singular:
     if the player is male:
       say "His";
       say "Her";
   if the story viewpoint is first person plural:
     say "Our";
   if the story viewpoint is second person plural:
     say "Your";
   if the story viewpoint is third person plural:
     say "Their".

Section 3 - Further pronouns

To say those:
   say those in the accusative.

To say Those:
   say Those in the nominative.

To say those in (case - grammatical case):
   if the case is nominative:
     let the item be the prior named object;
     if the prior naming context is plural:
       say "those";
     otherwise if the item is the player:
       say "[we]";
     otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
       say "he";
     otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
       say "she";
       say "that";
     let the item be the prior named object;
     if the prior naming context is plural:
       say "those";
     otherwise if the item is the player:
       say "[we]";
     otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
       say "him";
     otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
       say "her";
       say "that".

To say Those in (case - grammatical case):
   if the case is nominative:
     let the item be the prior named object;
     if the prior naming context is plural:
       say "Those";
     otherwise if the item is the player:
       say "[We]";
     otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
       say "He";
     otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
       say "She";
       say "That";
     let the item be the prior named object;
     if the prior naming context is plural:
       say "Those";
     otherwise if the item is the player:
       say "[We]";
     otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
       say "Him";
     otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
       say "Her";
       say "That";

To say they:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "they";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[we]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "he";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "she";
     say "it";

To say They:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "They";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[We]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "He";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "She";
     say "It";

To say their:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "their";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[our]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "his";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "her";
     say "its";

To say Their:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "Their";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[Our]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "His";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "Her";
     say "Its";

To say them:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "them";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[us]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "him";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "her";
     say "it";

To say Them:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "Them";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[Us]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "Him";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "Her";
     say "It";

To say theirs:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "theirs";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[ours]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "his";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "hers";
     say "its";

To say Theirs:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "Theirs";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[Ours]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "His";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "Hers";
     say "Its";

To say themselves:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "themselves";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[ourselves]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "himself";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "herself";
     say "itself";

To say Themselves:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "Themselves";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[Ourselves]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "Himself";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "Herself";
     say "Itself";

To say they're:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "they";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[we]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "he";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "she";
     say "that";
   say "['re]".

To say They're:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "They";
   otherwise if the item is the player:
     say "[We]";
   otherwise if the item is a male person and item is not neuter:
     say "He";
   otherwise if the item is a female person and item is not neuter:
     say "She";
     say "That";
   say "['re]".

To say It:
   say "[regarding nothing]It".

To say There:
   say "[regarding nothing]There".

To say it:
   say "[regarding nothing]it".

To say there:
   say "[regarding nothing]there".

To say It's:
   say "[regarding nothing]It['re]".

To say There's:
   say "[regarding nothing]There['re]".

To say it's:
   say "[regarding nothing]it['re]".

To say there's:
   say "[regarding nothing]there['re]".

To say possessive:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the item is the player:
     say "[our]";
   otherwise if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "[the item][apostrophe]";
     say "[the item][apostrophe]s";

To say Possessive:
   let the item be the prior named object;
   if the item is the player:
     say "[Our]";
   otherwise if the prior naming context is plural:
     say "[The item][apostrophe]";
     say "[The item][apostrophe]s".

English Language ends here.