I6 Template Layer

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We are required to use a stable sorting algorithm with very low, ideally zero, auxiliary storage requirement. Exchanges are generally slower than comparisons for the typical application (sorting tables, where entire rows must be exchanged whereas only entries in a single column need be compared).

In fact, we store some details in global variables for convenience and to avoid filling the stack with copies, but otherwise we will hardly need any auxiliary storage.

18Global I7S_Tab; ! The array to be sorted, which can have almost any format 19Global I7S_Col; ! The "column number" in the array, if any 20Global I7S_Dir; ! The direction of sorting: ascending (1) or descending (-1) 21Global I7S_Swap; ! The current routine for swapping two fields 22Global I7S_Comp; ! The current routine for comparing two fields 23 24#ifdef MEASURE_SORT_PERFORMANCE; 25Global I7S_CCOUNT; Global I7S_CCOUNT2; Global I7S_XCOUNT; ! For testing only 26#endif;

Front End.

To perform a sort, we first call SetSortDomain to declare the swap and compare functions to be used, and then call SortArray actually to sort. (It would be nice to combine these in a single call, but I6 allows a maximum of 7 call arguments for a routine, and that would make 8.) These are the only two routines which should ever be called from outside of this template segment.

The swap and compare functions are expected to take two arguments, which are the field numbers of the fields being swapped or compared, where fields are numbered from 1. Comparison is like strcmp: it returns 0 on equality, and then is positive or negative according to which of the fields is greater in value.

43[ SetSortDomain swapf compf; 44    I7S_Swap = swapf; 45    I7S_Comp = compf; 46]; 47 48[ SortArray tab col dir size test_flag algorithm; 49    I7S_Tab = tab; 50    I7S_Col = col; 51    I7S_Dir = dir; 52    #ifdef MEASURE_SORT_PERFORMANCE; 53    I7S_CCOUNT = 0; 54    I7S_CCOUNT2 = 0; 55    I7S_XCOUNT = 0; 56    #endif; 57    SortRange(0, size, algorithm); 58    #ifdef MEASURE_SORT_PERFORMANCE; 59    if (test_flag) 60        print "Sorted array of size ", size, " with ", I7S_CCOUNT2, "*10000 + ", I7S_CCOUNT, 61            " comparisons and ", I7S_XCOUNT, " exchanges^"; 62    #endif; 63];

Sort Range.

This routine sorts a range of fields x ≤ i < y within the array. Fields are numbered from 0. The supplied algorithm is an I6 routine to implement a particular sorting algorithm; if it is not supplied, then in-place merge sort is used by default.

72[ SortRange x y algorithm; 73    if (y - x < 2) return; 74    if (algorithm) { 75        (algorithm)(x, y); 76    } else { 77        InPlaceMergeSortAlgorithm(x, y); 78    } 79];

Comparison and Exchange.

These are instrumented versions of how to swap and compare fields; note that the swap and compare functions are expected to number the fields from 1, not from 0. (This is convenient both for tables and lists, where rows and entries respectively are both numbered from 1.) The only access which the sorting algorithms have to the actual data being sorted is through these routines.

89[ CompareFields x y; 90    #ifdef MEASURE_SORT_PERFORMANCE; 91    I7S_CCOUNT++; 92    if (I7S_CCOUNT == 10000) { I7S_CCOUNT = 0; I7S_CCOUNT2++; } 93    #endif; 94    return I7S_Dir*I7S_Comp(I7S_Tab, I7S_Col, x+1, y+1, I7S_Dir); 95]; 96 97[ ExchangeFields x y r; 98    #ifdef MEASURE_SORT_PERFORMANCE; 99    I7S_XCOUNT++; 100    if (I7S_XCOUNT < 0) { print "XO^"; I7S_XCOUNT = 0; } 101    #endif; 102    r = I7S_Swap(I7S_Tab, x+1, y+1); 103     104    return r; 105];

4W37 Sort.

We now present three alternative sorting algorithms.

The first is the one used in builds up to and including 4W37: note that this is not quite bubble sort, and that it is unstable. It is now no longer used, but is so short that we might as well keep it in the code base in case anyone needs to resurrect a very early I7 project.

116[ OldSortAlgorithm x y 117    f i j; 118    if (y - x < 2) return; 119    f = true; 120    while (f) { 121        f = false; 122        for (i=x:i<y:i++) 123            for (j=i+1:j<y:j++) 124                if (CompareFields(i, j) > 0) { 125                    ExchangeFields(i, j); f = true; break; 126                } 127    } 128];

Insertion Sort.

A stable algorithm which has O(n2) running time and therefore cannot be used with large arrays, but which has good performance on nearly sorted tables, and which has very low overhead.

136[ InsertionSortAlgorithm from to 137    i j; 138    if (to > from+1) { 139        for (i = from+1: i < to: i++) { 140            for (j = i: j > from: j--) { 141                if (CompareFields(j, j-1) < 0) 142                    ExchangeFields(j, j-1); 143                else break; 144            } 145        } 146    } 147];

In-Place Mergesort.

A stable algorithm with O(n log n) running time, at some stack cost, and which is generally good for nearly sorted tables, but which is also complex and has some overhead. The code here mostly follows Thomas Baudel's implementation, which in turn follows the C++ STL library.

156[ InPlaceMergeSortAlgorithm from to 157    middle; 158    if (to - from < 12) { 159        if (to - from < 2) return; 160        InsertionSortAlgorithm(from, to); 161        return; 162    } 163    middle = (from + to)/2; 164    InPlaceMergeSortAlgorithm(from, middle); 165    InPlaceMergeSortAlgorithm(middle, to); 166    IPMS_Merge(from, middle, to, middle-from, to - middle); 167]; 168 169[ IPMS_Lower from to val 170    len half mid; 171    len = to - from; 172    while (len > 0) { 173        half = len/2; 174        mid = from + half; 175        if (CompareFields(mid, val) < 0) { 176            from = mid + 1; 177            len = len - half -1; 178        } else len = half; 179    } 180    return from; 181]; 182 183[ IPMS_Upper from to val 184    len half mid; 185    len = to - from; 186    while (len > 0) { 187        half = len/2; 188        mid = from + half; 189        if (CompareFields(val, mid) < 0) 190            len = half; 191        else { 192            from = mid + 1; 193            len = len - half -1; 194        } 195    } 196    return from; 197]; 198 199[ IPMS_Reverse from to; 200    while (from < to) { 201        ExchangeFields(from++, to--); 202    } 203]; 204 205[ IPMS_Rotate from mid to 206    n val shift p1 p2; 207    if ((from==mid) || (mid==to)) return; 208    IPMS_Reverse(from, mid-1); 209    IPMS_Reverse(mid, to-1); 210    IPMS_Reverse(from, to-1); 211]; 212 213[ IPMS_Merge from pivot to len1 len2 214    first_cut second_cut len11 len22 new_mid; 215    if ((len1 == 0) || (len2 == 0)) return; 216    if (len1+len2 == 2) { 217        if (CompareFields(pivot, from) < 0) 218        ExchangeFields(pivot, from); 219        return; 220    } 221    if (len1 > len2) { 222        len11 = len1/2; 223        first_cut = from + len11; 224        second_cut = IPMS_Lower(pivot, to, first_cut); 225        len22 = second_cut - pivot; 226    } else { 227        len22 = len2/2; 228        second_cut = pivot + len22; 229        first_cut = IPMS_Upper(from, pivot, second_cut); 230        len11 = first_cut - from; 231    } 232    IPMS_Rotate(first_cut, pivot, second_cut); 233    new_mid = first_cut + len22; 234    IPMS_Merge(from, first_cut, new_mid, len11, len22); 235    IPMS_Merge(new_mid, second_cut, to, len1 - len11, len2 - len22); 236];