Status line with centered text, the hard way
Example 451
★Making major changes to display features, such as the construction of the status line, sometimes requires that we rely on Inform 6 in bulk; here is how we might produce the Trinity-style status line, with the location centered at the top center of the screen.
"Corner of No and Where"
No is a room. Where is west of No.
Rule for constructing the status line:
print the location in the center of the status line;
rule succeeds.
To print the location in the center of the status line:
(- PrintCenteredStatus(); -).
Include (-
Array printed_text --> 64;
[ PrintCenteredStatus i j;
@set_cursor 1 0;
i = 0->33;
@output_stream 3 printed_text;
print (name) location;
@output_stream -3;
j = (i - (printed_text-->0))/2;
@set_cursor 1 j;
print (name) location;
spaces j-1;
Test me with "w / e".
In fact, as we've already seen, many extra modifications to the display behavior are possible using Basic Screen Effects.