Wishbringer Invisiclues
Sample Question
Table of Contents
- Festeron
- Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
- Witchville
- The Tower
- The Library
- The Seven Wishes
- How Points Are Scored
- How Points Are Lost
- For Your Amusement
- Indicia
Where is the Magick Stone?
When should I open the envelope that came in my WIHBRINGER package?
Who is the gravedigger?
Why won't the poodle let me near the cottage?
I left the envelope behind, and the poodle won't let me go back for it! What can I do?
Who is Sgt. MacGuffin?
Why can't I take things out of the big mailbox?
What happened to the church mouse?
What's the easiest way into the impenetrable forest?
Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
How do I get into the Magick Shoppe?
Where is the Evil One?
How do I get past the toll gate?
What is the Boot Patrol?
The Boot Patrol threw me in jail! How do I get out?
What is a platypus?
What do I do with the platypus?
How do I get to Misty Island?
What is the significance of the pelican?
The hellhound won't let me past! What can I do?
The Tower
How did the Princess get captured again?
The drawbridge is closed! How do I get out of the Tower?
What is the significance of the bubbling chemicals?
The Library
How do I open the glass display case in the Museum?
The Seven Wishes
How Points Are Scored
Action Points
Enter the Post Office 1
Take the mysterious envelope 5
Take the old bone 1
Feed the bone to the poodle 3
Take the note from Miss Voss 3
Take the gold coin 1
Arrive at Cliff Edge 1
Give envelope to old woman 5
Read letter to old woman 1
Take metal can from old woman 3
Frighten troll with snake 3
Take the small stone 5
Remove dead branch from pit 5
Take the silver whistle 3
Take the wizard's hat 1
Give wizard's hat to pelican 5
Buy ticket 3
Take the 3D glasses 3
Take the blanket 3
Cover beast with blanket 3
Take the earthworm 3
Take token from fountain 3
Put token in arcade machine 1
Transport to Hilltop 5
Open the drawbridge 3
Take the rusty key 3
Unlock your chains 1
Read the violet note 3
Turn the crank 1
Turn off second power switch 3
Take the steel key 3
Unlock the library door 3
Put small stone in sculpture 5
How Points Are Lost
Action Points
Fail to take the violet note -10
Disturb the pile of leaves -10
Give small stone to vulture -10
Give small stone to pelican -10
Torture the Princess -10
Torture the black cat -10
Feed grue's milk to Chaos -10
For Your Amusement
Have you tried:
reading the theater marquee before delivering the envelope?
listening to the conch shell before delivering the envelope?
examining the video game in Festeron? In Witchville?
opening the metal can inside the Magick Shoppe?
examining the wanted posters in Festeron? In Witchville?
staying in the Jail Cell after being captured by the Boot Patrol?
getting captured three times by the Boot Patrol, after saving the
seahorse? Without saving the seahorse?
ignoring King Anatinus? Dropping the whistle or the hat?
letting the small mailbox meet the big mailbox?
looking around the Museum after the mailboxes have met? If the mailboxes
never met?
leaving things in either mailbox, letting the boxes meet, and looking
inside the fossil afterward?
putting things inside the wizard's hat? And finishing the story?
dropping the lighted candle into the bay, lake or river?
wishing for freedom while Mr. Crisp is watching?
pushing the lever on the torture machine UP while the Princess was clamped
putting interesting objects (like the black cat) into the torture machine,
and pushing the lever up?
torturing the Princess and the black cat at the same time?
pouring out the grue's milk near the black cat? Near Chaos?
putting on the 3D glasses just before you put the stone into the
sculpture? And then NOT putting it in?
giving the stone to the old woman in the Museum?
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To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright, please complain and the file will be removed.
Typed in from the original hintbook by Graeme Cree. Corrected by Paul David Doherty.