Suspended Invisiclues
Sample Question
Table of Contents
- All About the Complex
- The Robots
- All About Iris
- Wonderful Waldo
- What's up with Whiz
- Sensitive Sensa
- Enigmatic Poet
- Auda, a Patient Listener
- Fred, the Intrepid
- FC Interrupt: Intruder Alert!
- Monitors and Controls
- The Weather
- The Transit System
- Hydroponics
- Repairing the FCs
- General Questions
- For Your Amusement
- Indicia
All About the Complex
The Robots
All About Iris
Wonderful Waldo
What's up with Whiz
How do I get Whiz to plug himself into Sensa?
Sensitive Sensa
Enigmatic Poet
Auda, a Patient Listener
Fred, the Intrepid
FC Interrupt: Intruder Alert!
I keep dying, and when I do, three people are standing there. What's going on?
Monitors and Controls
The Weather
The Transit System
Repairing the FCs
General Questions
For Your Amusement
(after you've finished the game)
Have you tried…
…having Poet describe everyone?
…having Whiz ask about Gregory Franklin?
…having all the robots read the plaque in the Sterilization Chamber?
…having Poet look while he's in the same room as Fred?
…turning all the Hydroponics Levers down to zero?
…attacking the people with the wire cutter?
…having Auda go to the Activities Area and wait for the people to get
there after they fix the acid leak?
…having Auda hang around with the people while they wait for the car?
…asking the robots to kiss one another?
Copyright by Infocom, Inc. Provided for non-commercial use only, with the sole intent of making information available that would otherwise be lost.
To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright, please complain and the file will be removed.
Typed in from the original hintbook by Paul David Doherty.