Stationfall Invisiclues
Sample Question
At home, Jim NEVER has more than one helping of my purple goo! But last night at the Johnsons' party, he had three helpings of theirs! What's wrong with my purple goo?
Table of Contents
- Aboard the S.P.S. Duffy
- The Command Module (Levels 1 through 4)
- The Command Module (Levels 5 through 7)
- The Scientific Sub-Module
- The "Village"
- Below Level Seven
- The Return Trip
- General Questions
- How the Points Are Scored
- For Your Amusement
- Indicia
Aboard the S.P.S. Duffy
Which robot should I choose?
How can I send a message on the SB radio?
The Command Module (Levels 1 through 4)
How can I get the seven-pointed star?
What does the detonator do and how does it work?
The Command Module (Levels 5 through 7)
How can I get things from the dispenser in the PX?
How do I get past the security doors (into the Brig and the Armory)?
How does the drill work? Where should I use it?
How can I get past the closed iris hatch?
The Scientific Sub-Module
Is the twenty-prong fromitz board useful?
The "Village"
How can I get into the village?
Is the Arcturian balloon creature useful?
How does the explosive work? Where should I use it?
Below Level Seven
How can I open the grating at the bottom of the air shaft?
What should I do in the Factory?
The Return Trip
How can I refuel my spacetruck?
General Questions
How many different dreams are there?
How the Points Are Scored
Use this section only as a last resort. The information below may give away
the answers to puzzles you have not yet solved.
Points Action
5 arriving at Docking Bay #2
3 waking up on Day 2 of the story
3 getting the medium drill bit
6 opening the iris hatch into the village
4 turning the roulette wheel
3 getting the ostrich nip
4 getting the reflective foil
5 entering the Armory
5 getting the coin
6 getting the timer
7 getting the M-series hyperdiode
7 surviving Plato's attack
3 entering the "vac yard," a.k.a. In Space
3 putting the explosive in the hole in the safe
7 getting the key
2 entering Top of Air Shaft
2 entering the Factory
5 winning the game
For Your Amusement
Expose this section only after you have completed the game. If you look at
this section before finishing the game, you may learn the answers to puzzles
you have not yet solved.
Have you tried…
…reading the pallets of boxes in the Forms Storage Room? Opened a box?
…to destroy the forms in the Forms Storage Room (or the Shipping Room)?
…picking Rex or Helen and then tried to complete the game?
…saying HELLO to Rex and Helen?
…falling asleep while still on the Duffy?
…to smell, kiss, scold, tickle, kill, and kick Floyd?
…talking to Floyd when he's turned off?
…searching Floyd when he's turned off?
…to put something in Floyd (while he's turned on)?
…asking Floyd to sit in the pilot seat? When he's in it?
…telling Floyd "yes" when he asks if he can pilot the spacetruck?
…turning on the SB radio in the spacetruck?
…pressing the red emergency button in the spacetruck? After all your
fuel is gone?
…typing a course into the spacetruck's controls, then leaving the truck?
…launching the truck with the hatch open? Without being in a seat?
…typing in the wrong course and then waiting for the air to run out?
…examining the Thermos bottle?
…to give any of the food items to Floyd?
…exercising in the Gym, both in and out of the exercise machine?
…looking behind the dryer?
…putting the J-series hyperdiode into the seven-pointed star?
…examining the eternal flame while it was on?
…turning on the Food Dispensing Unit in the Mess Hall? In the morning,
afternoon, and evening?
…to throw the cup of coffee?
…reading the magazines in the Library?
…examining, searching, or entering the shrubbery in the Dome?
…to LOOK UNDER THE BED when you're in it?
…shaking the dispenser while there's an item lodged in it?
…getting into the trash can?
…drilling something (such as DRILL SAFE) before finding the drill?
…kissing Plato?
…reading Plato's volume of poetry? Have your [sic] tried to take it?
…asking Plato to open the safe, reach into the dispenser, take something
from the heating chamber, get the seven-pointed star, open a security
door, or destroy a hull welder?
…looking into the crystal ball?
…reading the posters in the Recruitment Office and the Travel Agency?
…using a simulation booth (by entering it and turning it on)?
…to enter the cage in the Pet Store?
…spraying the can while hanging from the leash?
…smelling the balloon creature?
…scaring the ostrich while in the Robot Shop?
…giving the ostrich nip to Floyd?
…opening the airlock (wearing the space suit) with the ostrich or the
balloon creature present?
…rolling the dice, repeatedly, in both one-gee and zero-gee areas?
…reading through all the Stellar Patrol ranks by typing 1 through 10 on
the innocuous machine?
…to type a rank less than 1?
…to shoot Oliver, with Floyd turned both on and off?
…shooting something you were holding? Something Floyd was holding?
…drilling your hand, the balloon creature, the ostrich, or the
dispensing machine?
…smelling anything while wearing the space suit?
…falling asleep wearing the space suit?
…detonating the explosive without leaving the room?
…getting into the exercise machine while it was attacking you in
Computer Control?
…shooting Floyd a second time in the Factory?
…to TURN ON FLOYD after shooting him in the Factory?
…typing DIAGNOSE in the Factory?
…climbing onto the pedestal in the Alien Ship? In the Factory?
Floyd present (and not turned off)?
…reading through all the footnotes? (There are 14 of them.)
…typing HELP?
…pouring something nonsensical (such as POUR BOOTS)?
…asking WHAT IS A GRUE?
…talking to anything inanimate (for example SMALL DRILL BIT, TELL ME
…to clean the floor (anywhere) and the window (in the spacetruck)?
…asking Floyd to open the safe, kill the welder, get the seven-pointed
star, reach into the dispenser hole, or open a security door?
…showing something to Floyd and then responding "yes" to his question?
…asking Floyd to get in the exercise machine, pilot the spacetruck, or
take the balloon creature's leash?
…asking Floyd to wear anything (such as the boots, Patrol uniform,
…to PLAY WITH FLOYD? How about later in the game, right before he
disappears to the Factory?
…asking Plato about: Floyd, Plato, Oliver, the volume of poetry, the
bedistor, the reflective foil, or the pattern of dots (in the alien
…asking Floyd about: Plato, Floyd, Oliver, any of the hyperdiodes,
Hucka-bucka-beanstalk, the reflective foil, or the pattern of dots?
Copyright by Infocom, Inc. Provided for non-commercial use only, with the sole intent of making information available that would otherwise be lost.
To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright, please complain and the file will be removed.
Typed in from the original hintbook by Paul David Doherty.