Starcross Invisiclues
Sample Question
Table of Contents
- On the Starcross
- The Red Airlock
- The Weasel Ship
- The Computer Room
- All the Aliens
- The Laboratory
- The Inner Region
- The Bubbles
- General Questions
- How All Points Are Earned
- For Your Amusement
- Indicia
On the Starcross
How do I set a course for a particular object (for instance, UM08)?
How do I maneuver the Starcross to the fore end of the unidentified mass?
The Red Airlock
Once inside the Artifact, can I take off the space suit?
The Weasel Ship
The Computer Room
What does the enunciator panel signify?
All the Aliens
How do I pass the hostile Weasels?
What does the Alien Chief's gesturing mean?
What should I do with the ladder?
What is a grue?
How do I answer Gurthark's questions?
The Laboratory
Can I take the blue rod?
What causes the loud clicking sound?
How can the lights be dimmed?
The Inner Region
What do the groups of dots mean?
Why do things fall in curves?
The Bubbles
What is done with the five slots?
What is going on with the spots, squares, and screen?
Why do the spots flash?
General Questions
What is the significance of the maintenance mouse?
How do I read the charge indicator on the ray gun?
What is the metal basket for?
Can I do anything with the damaged mice?
What is the hole in the garage?
Is there anything special about the projector in the Observatory?
How All Points Are Earned
(Use only as a last resort!)
item of value value where it is found
black crystal rod 25 reward for solving the Red Dock puzzle
red crystal rod 25 in the Rat-ant nest
brown crystal rod 25 hanging from the Alien Chief's neck
yellow crystal rod 25 the Spider has it
blue crystal rod 25 in the silvery sphere
green crystal rod 25 in the trash bin
violet crystal rod 25 in the space suit of the dead Weasel Alien
pink crystal rod 25 in the scorched Alien reptile's hand
gold crystal rod 25 computer output upon successful start-up
white crystal rod 25 floating in the Drive Bubble
clear crystal rod 25 in the projector in the Observatory
silver crystal rod 25 in the ray gun barrel
Other Points
You receive 25 points for:
…successfully reaching the Red Dock.
…entering the Drive Bubble.
…changing the ship's course.
…initiating the proper course to Earth.
For Your Amusement
(after you have finished the game)
Have you ever…
…touched the Starcross controls after the course was set?
…taken the space suit off in space?
…untied your safety line while floating in space?
…set R, theta, or phi once you arrived at the Artifact (or while on the
…said HELLO to the Starcross computer, or asked it to kill you, or given
something to it?
…watched the docking of the Starcross with the Artifact while floating
in space?
…tried dropping anything or jumping while on the outer surface of the
…shot the mechanical mouse, or watched it try to enter the Warren or
climb the tree?
…tried climbing down the hole in the Garage?
…stepped on a disk while carrying the other, or put one disk on top of
the other?
…looked out the view port of the Weasel's ship (at the Green Dock)?
…tried wearing the Alien space suit?
…tried talking to the Weasels or their Chief?
…tried pointing at or shooting the Alien Chief's wife or child?
…tried giving the tattered space suit to the Chief's wife?
…dropped anything in the Warren?
…given anything to the Rat-ants?
…tried shooting yourself, something you were carrying, or the ray gun
itself with the ray gun?
…put other rods into the ray gun before firing?
…tried flying from the tree?
…tried jumping while in one of the bubbles?
…been in the inner cylinder when the lights brightened for "day" or
dimmed for "night"?
Copyright by Infocom, Inc. Provided for non-commercial use only, with the sole intent of making information available that would otherwise be lost.
To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright, please complain and the file will be removed.
Typed in from the original hintbook by Paul David Doherty.