Spellbreaker Invisiclues
Sample Question
Table of Contents
- The Council Chamber
- The Packed Earth Room
- The Temple
- The Soft Room
- The Water Room
- The Air Room
- The Dungeon
- The Light Room
- The String Room
- The Changing Room
- The Good Room
- The Plain
- The Dark Room
- The Volcano
- The Vault
- The Sand Room
- The Magic Room
- Stuff and Things
- Cube Details
- Magic Details
- Details of Cubes' Effects on Spells
- Spells and Their Locations
- How the Points Are Scored
- For Your Amusement
- Indicia
The Council Chamber
Who is this "shadowy figure" who turned all of the other guildmasters into amphibians?
How do I get out of Belwit Square to get to the rest of the story?
The Packed Earth Room
I went west from Packed Earth to get to Cave Entrance, but going east from Cave Entrance doesn't get me back to Packed Earth. What happened? How do I get back to Packed Earth?
Help! I have all these featureless white cubes and I'm having trouble keeping them straight. What can I do?
How do I get to the small building at the top of the mountain?
Why won't the hermit let me take his cube?
How do I get the cube from In Roc Nest?
The Temple
The Soft Room
How can I get through the west exit?
The Water Room
Oh no!! Some of my possessions got damaged when I went south! What can I do??
How do I get up through the trap door in the Oubliette?
I've found a moss-covered cube. How do I get it?
The Air Room
The Dungeon
The Light Room
Yipes! That lava fragment almost hit me. How do I keep from getting hit by another flying fragment?
The String Room
Who is Belboz?
The Changing Room
Something's changed in the Octagonal Room, but I still don't know WHAT THE *#(?$)@ IS GOING ON?!!
I don't know, I don't know, I just don't know.
The Good Room
I've done everything I can think of, and I still can't get to the Dragon cube!
The Plain
The Dark Room
The Volcano
How do I avoid the heat of the lava?
How can I get off the outcropping now?
The Vault
How do I prevent the alarm fairy and guards from showing up?
How do I find out which cube I want?
The Sand Room
Like wow, man, deja vu! Haven't I been here before?
I went UP from the Sand Room, and I keep dying when I try to leave!
I went DOWN from the Sand Room, and I keep dying when I try to leave!
The Magic Room
Okay, now I have some time. What do I do?
Stuff and Things
Cube Details
Found in… Decoration Property BLORPLE to…
Belwit Square Moles Earth Packed Earth Ogre Lair Dolphins Water Water Room Temple Eagles Air Air Room On Pillar Salamanders Fire Fire Room Plain Grues Dark Dark Room Hut Spiders Connectivity String Room Ocean Floor Fireflies Light Light Room Dungeon Cell Worms Death Boneyard Roc Nest Rabbits Life Soft Room Octagonal Room Owls Mind No Place In Pipe Butterflies Change Changing Room Outer Vault Turtles Time Sand Room Outcropping Unicorns Magic Magic Room
Magic Details
Details of Cubes' Effects on Spells
Spell Cubes that increase chance of success
BLORPLE (always works)
FROTZ Change, Light (75% base chance)
GNUSTO Change, Earth (75% base chance)
LESOCH Air, Fire
MALYON Fire, Life
REZROV Change, Earth
YOMIN Mind, Light
SNAVIG Change, Dark
GIRGOL (special, as spell is so powerful)
LISKON Change, Earth
TINSOT Water, Fire
JINDAK Light, Connectivity
ESPNIS Mind, Death
CASKLY Change, Connectivity
THROCK Life, Water
If you have the cube that BLORPLEs you to the Magic Room, it gives an
extra-strong power boost to all spells. With this cube in your possession,
only the GIRGOL spell can ever fail under normal circumstances.
When I use a spell on a scroll, the scroll disappears and I can't use the
spell again. Help!
1. You should GNUSTO the spell into your spell book.
2. Then you can memorize the spell from your book and use it repeatedly.
Spells and Their Locations
Spell Location
GNUSTO Your spell book.
REZROV Your spell book.
FROTZ Your spell book.
YOMIN Your spell book.
JINDAK Your spell book.
MALYON Your spell book.
LESOCH Your spell book.
BLORPLE Your spell book after the shadow leaves the Council Chamber.
THROCK At Cliff Middle.
CASKLY In Roc Nest.
GIRGOL In the zipper in Ruins Room.
ESPNIS At Ogre's Lair.
LISKON In the bottle in mid-ocean.
TINSOT At the Glacier.
SNAVIG In the moldy book after you CASKLY it.
How the Points Are Scored
25 points for each of 13 cubes, for a total of 325.
15 points for reading or using BLORPLE the first time.
10 points for getting the zipper.
10 points for getting the flimsy scroll.
10 points for getting the dirty scroll.
10 points for getting the stained scroll.
10 points for getting the dusty scroll.
10 points for getting the box.
10 points for getting the damp scroll.
10 points for getting the white scroll.
10 points for getting the blue carpet.
10 points for getting the moldy book.
15 points for CASKLYing the moldy book.
10 points for getting the compass rose.
25 points for answering Belboz and getting the key.
10 points for getting the vellum scroll.
25 points for establishing the past at Dungeon Cell.
25 points for establishing the past at Ruins Room.
50 points for saving the world (but destroying magic).
For Your Amusement
(after you've finished the story)
What did we name the cubes here at Infocom?
Dave gave them boring names like "Earth" or "Air."
Gary gave them all incomprehensible (to others) single-letter names,
because he hates typing.
Max named one "Ohio" because he was looking for a 4-letter synonym for No
Place. (Max has never visited Ohio, either.)
Spike named them "cube1" through "cube13" because, while he isn't wildly
imaginative, he is very smart.
Liz named the Fire Room cube "Bob" after her husband.
Amy named the Dark Room cube "Inky."
Suzanne named the Boneyard cube "Camels" after her cigarettes.
Have you tried…
flying on the magic carpet to the Outcropping?
TINSOTing the magic carpet, then flying to the Outcropping?
reading the carpet label during flight?
FROTZ GRUE in a dark room (not in the Dark Room area)?
reading the pillar?
SNAVIG SERPENT or YOMIN SNAKE (before and after shrinking it?)
sleeping on the green eyed rock? Petting it?
giving fish or bread to the green eyed rock?
showing the lava fragment to the rock?
swallowing things when you're a grouper?
smelling the ogre, or smelling the ogre when you're an ogre?
trying to convince the merchant to sell you a carpet for less than 500
hitting the alarm fairy?
YOMINing the shadow in the Castle?
slavering while a grue?
following the rabbit in the Meadow?
landing the magic carpet other than In Roc Nest or Guard Tower?
MALYONing the idol while you are on it?
casting a spell (other than BLORPLE) at the Plain?
following the shadow from Belwit Square?
CASKLYing the red carpet?
YOMINing any enchanter after he's been turned into an amphibian?
MALYONing the cube in the hermit's hut?
looking at a grue when you are a grue?
attacking a grue when you are a grue?
examining the orange smoke or smelling it?
TINSOTing the glacier?
smelling the lava?
trying to sleep in the ogre's cave?
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To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright, please complain and the file will be removed.
Typed in from the original hintbook by Paul David Doherty.