Seastalker Invisiclues
Sample Question
Table of Contents
- The Lab
- The Scimitar
- The Bay and Ocean
- The Aquadome
- The Battle
- How Points Are Scored
- For Your Amusement
- Indicia
The Lab
Why can't I walk away with the microphone?
Why won't the submarine start?
The Scimitar
How do I use the hydrophone?
How do I use the temperature gauge?
The Bay and Ocean
The Aquadome
How do I enter the Aquadome?
How do I know when I'm ready to leave the Aquadome?
The Battle
How Points Are Scored
(use only as a last resort)
1 Turning on the videophone.
1 Tuning the videophone.
1 Picking up the microphone.
-3 The circuit breaker is opened.
3 Closing the circuit breaker.
5 Taking the catalyst capsule.
1 Entering the Scimitar.
5 Starting the reactor.
5 Starting the engine.
5 Entering Frobton Bay.
5 Entering the ocean.
5 Turning on the autopilot.
5 Docking at the Aquadome.
5 Opening the air supply system.
5 Screwing in the electrolyte relay.
5 Having the emergency survival unit installed.
5 Arresting Bill Greenup.
5 Capturing Bill Greenup.
5 Having Doc Horvak fix the dart gun.
5 Installing the dart gun.
5 Taking the bazooka.
5 Installing the bazooka.
1 Leaving the Aquadome.
5 Finding the Snark.
5 Aiming the bazooka at the Sea Cat.
5 Firing the bazooka at the Sea Cat.
100 Total
For Your Amusement
(after you've finished the game)
Have you ever:
read the diagram on the workbench?
told Tip to leave the sub and then closed the hatch?
picked up something with an extensor claw?
crashed the Scimitar into the Aquadome?
taken the electrolyte relay but not screwed it in?
said HELLO to anyone on the sonarphone?
asked anyone besides Doc Horvak to fix the gash in your arm?
tried to shoot the Sea Cat with a tranquilizer dart?
tried to arrest an object instead of a person?
tried to clean or wipe anything?
tried to find someone who's in the same place as you?
tried to climb the sea wall?
tried to enter something that you're holding?
asked anyone about yourself?
asked anyone to find you?
kicked anyone?
rubbed anyone?
tried to look inside or under anyone?
looked up?
kissed anyone or anything?
slapped anyone or anything, including yourself or a handcuffed person?
thrown something at a person and then at an object?
tried to break a window in the Aquadome?
tried to turn off a person?
tried to wake up anyone?
tried to shoot yourself?
followed an inanimate object?
played something?
typed RESTART or RESTORE at the very beginning instead of your name?
cursed at the program?
Copyright by Infocom, Inc. Provided for non-commercial use only, with the sole intent of making information available that would otherwise be lost.
To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright, please complain and the file will be removed.
Typed in from the original hintbook by Judy Lynch. Corrected by Paul David Doherty.