Leather Goddesses of Phobos Invisiclues
Sample Question
Table of Contents
- Joe's Bar
- The Prison Area (Phobos)
- Venus
- Mars
- The Ruined Castle Area
- Along the Grand Canal
- The Sultan's Palace
- The South Polar Region
- Cleveland
- The Spaceship Scene, Near Saturn
- Among the Mountains of Neptune
- The Boudoir and Plaza (Phobos)
- General Questions
- The Parts List
- How All the Points Are Scored
- For Your Amusement
- Acknowledgements
- Indicia
Joe's Bar
This section on Joe's Bar sure was a short section, huh?
The Prison Area (Phobos)
How can I prevent being killed by the Leckbandi guards?
Is there any way to light the Closet that is north of the Observation Room?
Egad! I'm stuck in the cage in the body of a gorilla!
The Ruined Castle Area
What should I do about the frog?
Along the Grand Canal
Just past the bend, there are docks on both sides of the canal, but I can only get the barge to stop at one of them. Is there any way to get to the other?
Is there anything to do at the Dunetop?
Is there anything to do around Canalview Mall?
What does the buoy mean?
Is there any way to get past the ion beam without dying?
The Sultan's Palace
Is there anything for me to do in the Laundry Room?
Omigosh! The Sultan/Sultaness killed Trent/Tiffany!
The South Polar Region
Omigosh! I lost Trent/Tiffany at the Icy Dock!
How can I stop the gypsies from getting killed?
Is there anything interesting about the bedroom?
The Spaceship Scene, Near Saturn
Among the Mountains of Neptune
The Boudoir and Plaza (Phobos)
General Questions
What exactly are the seven scratch 'n' sniff odors, and where do they appear in the story? (Don't develop the answers until you've finished the story, or you might see things you don't want to see!)
1. Pizza (in the bathroom after urinating) 2. Chocolate (whenever the hunk of chocolate is present) 3. Mothballs (in the Closet) 4. Perfume (in the Harem) 5. Garlic (In Space, when Thorbast/Thorbala speaks) 6. Leather (in the Boudoir – this scent is admittedly weaker than the others) 7. Banana (on the last turn before winning)
Some other odors we were considering: Skunk, Peanut Butter, Grapefruit, Bubble Gum, Whipped Cream, Mushroom, New Car, Anchovy, Martini, Fried Chicken…
I'm not really picking up the 3-D in the comic. Can you give me some tips?
Is a marsmid anything like a zorkmid?
I have this friend who would like to know where all the sex scenes are in _Leather Goddesses of Phobos_. Would you please tell me? Uh, I mean, him?
The Parts List
This section tells you where to find the eight items on the parts list. Use it only as a last resort.
How All the Points Are Scored
This section should only be used as a last resort, or for your own interest
after you've completed the game. For more information about how scoring
works in _Leather Goddesses of Phobos_, see the scoring question in the
General Questions section.
Event Points
waking up in the prison cell from 1 to 8 points
getting the mouse * from 14 to 23 points
getting the odd machine from the salesman from 3 to 10 points
returning to your body in the Laboratory * from 19 to 43 points
getting the headlight * from 14 to 47 points
killing or trapping the flytrap from 2 to 17 points
answering the riddle from 8 to 19 points
getting the Cleveland telephone book * from 13 to 39 points
getting the raft from 8 to 11 points
arriving at the Icy Dock unradiated from 4 to 19 points
getting the cotton balls * from 16 to 45 points
killing Thorbast/Thorbala from 5 to 20 points
getting the photo * from 17 to 30 points
getting the blender * from 17 to 34 points
getting the 82 degree angle * from 16 to 26 points
getting the flexible black circle from 5 to 17 points
arriving at the Plaza from 9 to 22 points
TOTAL from 171 to 429 points
* These events also increase your rank. Your rank is increased for a ninth
time on the final turn of the story.
For Your Amusement
You shouldn't develop anything in this section until you've finished
_Leather Goddesses of Phobos_. Things in this section will invariably give
away the answers to puzzles in the game.
Have you ever tried to…
…play _Leather Goddesses of Phobos_ as a man if you're a woman, or vice
…buy a beer in the bar before relieving yourself?
…enter the men's room after entering the ladies' room first (or vice
…flush the toilet?
…eat the pizza? And then typed VOMIT?
…urinate in something other than a toilet?
…not go to the bathroom?
…knock on the door of Trent's/Tiffany's cell before opening the door?
…lead Trent/Tiffany into your cell? (Try in all three naughtiness
…call Trent "Tiffany" (while playing as a man), or vice versa?
…walk west in the Observation Room?
…jump off the prison Roof on Phobos?
…touch, examine, or put something on one of the black circles?
…push Trent/Tiffany into the tree hole (Fork, Of Sorts)?
…jump into the tree hole while being chased by the flytrap?
…get into the tree hole after trapping the flytrap there?
…ask Trent/Tiffany about the odd machine?
…T-remove the tray and then examine it?
…use the odd machine on the rabbit?
…use the odd machine on the raft then put the raft in the canal?
…run the cotton balls through the odd machine then examine them?
…DIAGNOSE and examine yourself as a gorilla?
…examine your body on the slab while you're a gorilla?
…examine Trent's/Tiffany's body on the slab while you're a gorilla?
…leave the Laboratory while you're a gorilla?
…whip someone with the rubber hose (not in TAME mode)?
…give anything to King Mitre?
…shake King Mitre's hand?
…examine (the unangled) Princess Theta?
…marry Princess Theta (in both her angled and unangled forms)?
…put the unangling cream on the pile of angles? On King Mitre?
…touch the frog?
…ask Trent/Tiffany to kiss the frog?
…click the mouse?
…sink the royal barge?
…examine, awaken, or kiss the dead alien messenger?
…put the lip balm on the dead alien messenger?
…give the flexible black circle back to the proprietor?
…show the dead alien's coded message to the Sultan/Sultaness?
…ask the harem guard for a different number than the "correct" number?
Several times?
…ask the harem guard for the same number twice in a row?
…wait instead of answering "yes" when the Sultan/Sultaness asks if
you're ready for the riddle?
…wait instead of answering the riddle right away?
…SAVE your position in the Audience Chamber before answering the riddle?
…return from the Inner Harem to the Harem holding the secret map after
the Sultan's wife/Sultaness' husband warns you that if you leave that
way "the harem guards will…"
…thank the Sultan's wife/Sultaness' husband after getting the torch and
secret map?
…measure the Sultan's wife?
…measure the Sultaness' husband (in all three naughtiness levels)?
…make love to the Sultan'swife/Sultaness' husband a second time (not in
TAME mode)?
…speak to the Sultan's wife or Sultaness' husband by his or her wrong
number? (e.g., SULTAN'S WIFE #123, HELLO, instead of SULTAN'S WIFE
#789, HELLO)
…move around in the Catacombs without a light?
…read the Cleveland phone book?
…deflate the raft? While it's in the water? While it's in the water and
you're in it?
…put the raft in the Oasis?
…take or open the buoy (if you've solved _Zork I_(R))?
…have sex with anyone while radiated from the ion beam?
…talk to the robot baby?
…kiss or rock the robot baby while it's crying?
…suckle the robot baby (playing as both a male and a female)?
…toss the robot baby into the canal?
…count the leaves? (That's also how many were in the pile of leaves in
_Zork I_.)
…tie the strips of cloth (from the partially-made rope) to anything?
…screw the stallion?
…go into space from the battleship without putting on the white suit?
…tell Elysia/Elysium to shut up while he/she is screaming?
…read the photo that Elysia/Elysium gives you?
…ask various characters about the Leather Goddesses? (such as
Trent/Tiffany, the salesman, the mad scientist, Thorbast/Thorbala,
Elysia/Elysium, King Mitre, Princess Theta, the Sultan/Sultaness, the
Sultan's wife/Sultaness' husband, the Exit Shop proprietor…)
…get fresh with the Leather Goddess in the Boudoir in TAME mode?
…kiss the Leather Goddess, not in TAME mode, while Trent/Tiffany is also
in the Boudoir?
…get to the end of the Plaza scene without Trent/Tiffany present?
…get to the end of the Plaza scene without giving all of the eight parts
to Trent/Tiffany?
…use "four letter words" in your inputs while in TAME mode?
…smell the barge or the flowers in the Garden?
…put the blanket, sheet, or sack on your head (if you've played _The
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_(tm))?
…open your mouth?
…give an age less than 5 while trying to enter LEWD mode?
…LOOK with your eyes closed? With your hands over your eyes?
…look through something that isn't transparent?
…look inside your overalls, loincloth, or bikini?
…typed control-B followed by a carriage return? (IBM version only!)
What are the acknowledgements doing in the hint booklet?
Copyright by Infocom, Inc. Provided for non-commercial use only, with the sole intent of making information available that would otherwise be lost.
To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright, please complain and the file will be removed.
Typed in from the original hintbook by Paul David Doherty and Graeme Cree.