Deadline Invisiclues
Sample Question
Table of Contents
- The Basics
- Was It Suicide?
- General Questions
- Develop Only If…
- Hidden Questions
- Possible Endings
- For Your Amusement
- Indicia
The Basics
Was It Suicide?
A reason for it ?
A reason against it ?
Another reason for it ?
Another reason against it ?
A final reason for it ?
A final reason against it ?
General Questions
Is the notepad important?
How do I leave the grounds?
Is the fireplace important?
What is the significance of the fragment?
How do I open the kitchen window?
Develop Only If…
In this section, develop the clues _only_ if the condition is met.
You have analyzed the footprint:
You have entered the attic:
You have found the hidden closet:
Hidden Questions
Develop the numbered questions only when you are directed to in other parts of this booklet.
25. What does the shoe size and depth indicate?
26. Who put the stolen Rembrandt in the attic?
Possible Endings
Do not look at these until you have finished the game.
For Your Amusement
(after you've finished the game)
Have you ever tried:
having the ladder analyzed after noon? (Can you guess why this happens?)
smelling, tasting, or trying to eat the various drugs?
swimming in the lake, taking a shower, or flushing the toilet?
looking in the toilet or in the bathroom mirror?
smelling the sugar?
saying FIND DUFFY?
taking or counting the silverware?
eating the grapes, fruit, or berries?
drinking George's Scotch or Bourbon twice?
eating George's red herring?
"squeezing" or "turning on" any of the characters?
waiting until a time earlier in the day?
following or arresting or accusing or confronting an inanimate object?
jumping from the balcony?
kissing anyone?
killing anyone? (You might have to try several times.)
arresting Duffy?
typing SCORE?
Copyright by Infocom, Inc. Provided for non-commercial use only, with the sole intent of making information available that would otherwise be lost.
To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright, please complain and the file will be removed.
Typed in from the original hintbook by Paul David Doherty.