Bureaucracy Invisiclues
Sample Question
Table of Contents
- Your Neighborhood
- The Airport
- The Airplane
- Zalagasa
- Persecution Complex
- How the Points Are Scored
- Have You Tried …
- Indicia
Your Neighborhood
What are the answers to the paranoid's questions?
How do I get my airplane ticket to Paris?
The Airport
The Airplane
Persecution Complex
The nerd is always running HAK.EXE, so I can't run it. How do I execute the various [filename].HAK files?
How the Points Are Scored
Getting the mail (4 pieces) 1 (each)
Swapping carts with bookstore clerk 1
Getting your ticket from the travel agent 1
Eating the burger 1
Withdrawing money from the bank 1
Exchanging tickets at Air Zalagasa desk 1
Stopping flight 42 from leaving 1
Shorting out the airport speakers 1
Leaving the airplane (with parachute) 1
Dropping into the pot (and living) 1
Playing the recipe cart for the Zalagasans 1
Opening the locker door 1
Going through the airlock door 2
Crashing the nerd's computer 1
Getting picked up by plane at landing strip 2
Reading the letter at the end of the game 1
TOTAL 21 (Half of 42)
Have You Tried …
Calling all the numbers in your address book?
Playing your answering machine?
Reentering your house after playing the answering machine?
Saying a password to people other than the paranoid or weirdo?
Saying a password when nobody is around?
Asking various people about the nerd? themselves?
Trying to fill out a change-of-address form at the bank?
Paying the waiter $4.50? $4.51? $5.00?
Giving the street numbers of your neighbors to the cab company?
Paying the cabbie $17.50? $20.00? Somewhere in between? Less than $17.50?
Trying to stiff the cabbie?
Dropping stuff in the airport, then going to lost-and-found?
Calling your house from the phone on the plane?
Upsetting other people's meals on the plane?
Playing the eclipse cartridge for the Zalagasans?
Running the NOOZ program on the unlabeled cartridge?
Looking at the screens before and after shutting down down [sic] the
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Typed in from the original hintbook by Peter Doherty (Hollywood Hijinx) and Thomas Schaefer (Bureaucracy). Proofreading by Paul David Doherty.